Specializing in Customized and Highly Engineered Solutions
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  • About Us

    The owner/operator of our company is Joe Birkenstock.

    Joe is a proud graduate of Clemson University, with his degree in Mechanical Engineering. Joe has years of experience working as a manufacturing engineer, specializing in metal forming. More recently, he has served as a product engineer with a large, local industrial supplier.

    Joe’s impetus for forming Birkenstock Engineering was to provide a way for all people to benefit from his experience as an engineer:

    The inspiration for starting Birkenstock Engineering and Design is a strong desire for and appreciation of an optimized solution for every situation. So often I have been only moderately satisfied with ‘off the shelf’ solutions. I found that I was much happier by tailoring the solution for the specific set of circumstances. Finding myself very successful in these endeavors, I decided to create Birkenstock Engineering & Design to offer my services to others.

    Joe and Wife JanaJoe and Jana Birkenstock

    If you have any questions, or would like to see if Joe can help you with your project don’t hesitate to contact him with your questions.